
The API wrapper is part of the DbtuTools framework [more] and empowers the Java Library as well as the Shell Script / Windows Batch files.

>>--- dbtuapiwrapper --- --request API ---+-----------------+---><
                                          |                 |
                                          +---| OPTIONS |---+

Syntax diagram

After calling the program with the requested API identifier (API) and its options (OPTIONS), the processing is done. The results are sent to STDOUT, error messages are sent to STDERR. In a case of an error, a non-zero returncode is returned.

[xca1019][hal][...te/DbtuTools/v00r010][0] > dbtuapiwrapper --request core.os.system.getprocessid --level 1
[xca1019][hal][...te/DbtuTools/v00r010][0] > _

Sample output

The next table lists all supported API identifiers and their options.

API identifier documentation / options
core.os.system.getendiantype Detects the endian type of the current running platform.
  • <none>
core.os.system.getprocessid Detects the endian type of the current running platform.
  • --level LEVEL
    Defines the call stack level (LEVEL) for which the process id should be gathered. 0 is the PID of dbtuapiwrapper itself, 1 stands for its caller (same as PPID), 2 for the caller's caller and so on (a value of 2 or higher is only supported under Windows).