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EN: The Tower of Hercules lighthouse (roman times origins); La Coruna, Galicia, Spain
EN: The Tower of Hercules lighthouse (roman times origins); La Coruna, Galicia, Spain
EN: View from the lighthouse; La Coruna, Galicia, Spain
EN: Mosaic next to the lighthouse; La Coruna, Galicia, Spain
EN: In the basement of the lighthouse (roman time foundations); La Coruna, Galicia, Spain
EN: Latern pole on the street towards the lighthouse; La Coruna, Galicia, Spain
EN: Street sign after river bridge (between Ortigueira and Viveiro - 4 km after Ortigueira); Baleo, Galicia, Spain
EN: Rail? bridge (between Ortigueira and Viveiro - 4 km after Ortigueira); Baleo, Galicia, Spain
EN: Bay of Porto do Barqueiro; Porto do Barqueiro, Galicia, Spain
EN: Bay of Porto do Barqueiro (with the model railway like building); Porto do Barqueiro, Galicia, Spain
EN: Bay of Porto do Barqueiro (with the model railway like building); Porto do Barqueiro, Galicia, Spain
EN: In the bay of Viveiro; Viveiro, Galicia, Spain
EN: In the bay of Viveiro; Viveiro, Galicia, Spain
EN: Triangle shaped square; Ribadeo, Galicia, Spain
EN: Old house at the triangle shaped square; Ribadeo, Galicia, Spain
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Gallery: Created with a modified version of BBGalleryPhotographs: Copyright by Daniel P. Scheibli